class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # timeseries
## Manage, Process and Archive Time Series with R and PostgreSQL ### Matthias Bannert (
) ### ETH Zurich ### 2019-07-12 --- <!-- framework to map R ts objects to PostgreSQL KVP + relations. talk's not only about the timeseriesdb approach does it, but --> --- class: center, middle  --- class: center, middle ## Why Pair R Time Series /w a Database ? --- class: center, middle ### 1. Long Lived Data Pipelines -- <font size="30px">❤️ ~ ∞ </font> -- --- ## timeseriesdb: Store Time Series ```r library(timeseriesdb) con <- createConObj("mbannert", "postgres", "localhost", passwd = "") lots <- list(ts1 = ts(rnorm(100), start = c(1990,1), freq = 4), ts2 = ts(rnorm(135), start = c(1994,3), freq = 12) storeTimeSeries(con, lots) ``` - list of time series - unique identifiers = list names --- ## timeseriesdb: Read Time Series ```r library(timeseriesdb) con <- createConObj("mbannert", "postgres", "localhost", passwd = "") # returns a list, in order to keep class of output the same. tsl <- readTimeSeries(con,"ch.kof.barometer") names(tsl) ``` ``` ## [1] "ch.kof.barometer" ``` ```r class(tsl) ``` ``` ## [1] "list" "tslist" ``` ```r class(tsl$ch.kof.barometer) ``` ``` ## [1] "ts" ``` --- ## timeseriesdb: reading multiple series -- ```r # key vectors tsl <- readTimeSeries(con, c("ch.kof.barometer", "ch.kof.mpc")) ``` -- ```r # by regular expression cpi <- readTimeSeries(con,"ch.fso.cpi", regex = T) ``` -- ```r # by stored sets keys <- readTsSetKeys(con, "kof_indicators")$ts_key set_of_ts <- readTimeSeries(con, keys) names(set_of_ts) ``` ``` ## [1] "ch.kof.barometer" ## [2] "ch.kof.inu.ng08.fx.q_ql_ass_bs.balance" ``` --- ### Access Beyond R: REST API  -- ```r library(kofdata) library(tstools) tsplot(get_time_series("ch.kof.barometer")) ``` <!-- --> --- ### 2. Comprehensive, Multi-Lingual Meta Information ```r mi.en <- readMetaInformation(con, c("ch.kof.inu.ng08.fx.q_ql_ass_bs.balance"), locale = "en") en <- mi.en[[1]][!grepl("unlocal",names(mi.en[[1]]))] tail(en, 5) ``` ``` ## $variable ## [1] "business situation, assessment" ## ## $bootstrap ## [1] "none" ## ## $frequency ## [1] "frequency with maximum series length" ## ## $level_ext ## [1] "total sector (noga letter code C (MANUFACTURING))" ## ## $variable_type ## [1] "qualitative question with 3-point scale" ``` --- ### 2. Comprehensive, Multi-Lingual Meta Information ```r mi.en <- readMetaInformation(con, c("ch.kof.inu.ng08.fx.q_ql_ass_bs.balance"), * locale = "en") en <- mi.en[[1]][!grepl("unlocal",names(mi.en[[1]]))] tail(en, 5) ``` ``` ## $variable ## [1] "business situation, assessment" ## ## $bootstrap ## [1] "none" ## ## $frequency ## [1] "frequency with maximum series length" ## ## $level_ext ## [1] "total sector (noga letter code C (MANUFACTURING))" ## ## $variable_type ## [1] "qualitative question with 3-point scale" ``` --- ### 2. Comprehensive, Multi-Lingual Meta Information ```r <- readMetaInformation(con, c("ch.kof.inu.ng08.fx.q_ql_ass_bs.balance"), * locale = "fr") fr <-[[1]][!grepl("unlocal",names([[1]]))] tail(fr, 5) ``` ``` ## $variable ## [1] "marche des affaires, résultat" ## ## $bootstrap ## [1] "aucun" ## ## $frequency ## [1] "fréquence avec longueur maximale de série" ## ## $level_ext ## [1] "ensemble du secteur (lettre noga C (INDUSTRIE MANUFACTURIÈRE))" ## ## $variable_type ## [1] "question qualitative avec échelle à 3 points" ``` --- class: center, middle ### 3. Revision Handling > "I've found the best way to revise your own work is to pretend > that somebody else wrote it and then to rip the living s*** out > of it." > <footer>--- Don Roff, writer</footer> --- ### 3. Revision Handling ```r readTimeSeries(con, "", * valid_on = "2015-04-23") ``` ``` ## $ ## Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 ## 2012 118900.5 122974.1 126521.6 128917.5 ## 2013 127160.5 140628.4 128375.0 130480.6 ## 2014 129416.6 129677.0 126731.2 129805.7 ## 2015 120786.3 118784.0 ## ## attr(,"class") ## [1] "list" "tslist" ``` -- ```r readTimeSeries(con, "", * valid_on = "2015-07-23") ``` ``` ## $ ## Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 ## 2012 118900.5 122974.1 126521.6 128917.5 ## 2013 127160.5 140628.4 128375.0 130480.6 ## 2014 131104.1 131361.7 128411.1 136437.9 ## 2015 120903.9 119459.9 115835.0 ## ## attr(,"class") ## [1] "list" "tslist" ``` --- ### 3. Revision Handling: All ```r readAllVintages(con, "") ```  --- ### Under the Hood: Relations (tables)  --- ### Under the Hood: Data Types  -- - hstore key value pair reduces number of records -- - validity is a range NOT a date -- - validity and indices implement non-overlapping constraint --- ### A Time Series Record in the DB: Key Value Pairs (hstore)  --- ## Summary -- ### 1. Long Term Data Conservation ⏳⏳⏳ -- ### 2. Comprehensive Meta Descriptions 🇫🇷🇨🇭🇺🇸🇮🇹🇧🇷 -- ### 3. Manage Revisions 🗄 -- ### 4. Combines advantages of both SQL, NoSQL --- ## Outlook  - Plumber based REST API - Explore Big Data ([greenplum](, [timescale]( - Row Level Security (Time Series Level) -- ## Feedback -  @whatsgoodio -